


致所有支持潘玮柏【创使者 cominghome】巡回演唱会的家人朋友们:
非常遗憾地宣布,由于新冠病毒COVID 19疫情正在全球范围内扩散,为保障社会大众及演出人员的健康安全,原定于2020年4月3日在墨尔本举行的潘玮柏【创使者cominghome】巡回演唱会正式取消。 而原定于2020年4月5日悉尼站的演唱会延期至2020年10 月举行。具体场次将于4月30日公布,并重新开售。
已售出的所有门票将失效,退换票 (退票,换票以及重新购票) 业务将于2020年4月5日至4月30日期间受理,购票者请联系相关购票平台办理。
在这个特殊时期,我们仍将坚守岗位,拼尽全力为澳洲的粉丝及观众们带来优质的演出,希望大家注意日常防护,保重身体,待到疫情散去之时,我们将秉持坚韧与爱的信念,再度与您相聚在【创使者Coming Home】的演出现场。
ConnectX 团队



Dear Customer,
It is with deepest regret that we have to announce that the upcoming concert Will Pan ‘AlphaComing Home’ Tour 2020 in Melbourne on April 3rd, 2020 is officially cancelled. And the
concert in Sydney, originally scheduled on April 5th, 2020 is postponed to October 2020 due to the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVImD 19) outbreak. The re-scheduled date will be announced and the box office will be re-opened on April 30th, 2020.
We are sorry for disappointing the supporters who have been waiting for the event, but the decision is made to prevent any potential harm as the health and safety of our customers, artists,
and staff is the top priority.
All purchased tickets will be invalid for the re-scheduled date. Regarding any ticket inquiry (full-refund, exchange or repurchase), please contact your point of purchase between April 5th
and April 30th, 2020.
Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.
Hope to see you in the future. Love U 3000 times!
Best Regards,
ConnectX Team
12 March 2020

Facebook Twitter Plurk 微博 新聞分類:官方消息 Posted on: Mar 28, 2020 04:35:00